
API Docs

The owo.vc API is allowed for programmatic use to anyone free of charge. Abuse of the API can and will lead to access being revoked. It is requested that you provide contact information in the User-Agent header, but not required.

POST /api/v2/link

Generates a new link. Requires a JSON body with the following structure.

{ "link": "https://gordhoard.org", "generator": "owo", "metadata": "OWOIFY" }

link is a valid HTTP/S scheme link that the user is to be redirected to.

generator is the generator format to use. Currently owo, gay, zws, and sketchy are available.

metadata is a string that determines how metadata for the shortened link should be handled. It can have the follow values:

GET /api/v2/link/:link

Return current information on the given owo.vc link. Link must be encoded as a URI component.

Deprecated Endpoints

As of 2023-11-12, the /generate and /info endpoints have been removed. Please update to the new v2 API.